Monday, June 11, 2007

This morning I went over my collection of pictures and picked out a bunch that I think you have not seen before. So hope you enjoy this bunch even though it does not have a picture of a cat!

This is one of the murals seen in Augusta that I thought was unique in remembering an event:

I saw this one morning going to Tobacco Road and had to stop and take the picture:

Needless to say that I am fascinated by this actress:

When Emily Tubman of Augusta became the sole ownership of her husband's slave after he died, she gave her slaves the option to go back to Africa or stay and she would make sure they will be well taken care of with either choice. The group that went back to Liberia settled there and one of the slave's grandson became the longest serving president of Liberia, William Tubman:

I said there will be no pictures of cats but I did not say no pictures of the canal. Here you can see the water level is above the houses:

Here is the docking area for the tourist to take the canal boat tour:

Needless to say, these kids had it made on their field trip in the boat:

Here is a picture of Augusta as seen from South Carolina:

Augusta have policemen riding bikes on duty:

Here is an older internet picture showing Broad Street with the Confederate Monument:

Here is looking up at the Lamar Building Penthouse from the base of the Confederate Monument:

Here is a view taken from the exterior elevator as I was descending from the Lamar Penthouse:

Here is a view of Augusta from one of its three road bridges:

Yeah, even here kids will be kids. I thought this would go as an artistic picture:

Here is the first church established in Augusta, St. Paul's Episcopal Church downtown next to the river:

Here is a picture I found on the internet showing what the little town of Bethlehem looks like today:

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