Sunday, May 6, 2007

More Saturday 5/5/07

When I first started working at my job, I was told that we are never to go under this railroad bridge because our vans are tall enough to actually hit the bridge if it should bounce in the dip. Well, on one of my training drives, the regular driver who was training me told me that I could take any route I wanted to get to a certain destination. So I'm heading down this street totally forgotten the warning about this bridge and I drove right under the bridge when the trainer realized too late to stop and since I was already completely under the bridge, she told me to please go very slowly to avoid bouncing the van. There was no contact with the bridge but when I looked up inside the van and saw how tall the ceiling was and looked outside to see the bottom of the bridge, it was too close to breath! Linda and I saw this train on the bridge and I had to get a shot of it.

On my walk Saturday it was a bit cool and slightly drizzling at times. Walked by this glass door on a shop and stopped to take a picture of this truly odd looking dude standing there.

Here is a panorama view of Augusta taken from South Carolina looking toward the city. This gives a good view of the "rim" of the bowl (the continuous hills) that you see running across the entire back. Augusta sits in the bottom of the bowl next to the river.

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